Luoyang Filier Special Gas Co., Ltd
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Moisture measurement and treatment of sulfur hexafluoride gas

Published on:2018-10-27 Click:256



The measurement of the water content of sulfur hexafluoride gas has always been a concern, and I will talk to you today. Use a water meter to measure the water content of SF6 gas. Generally, it is measured once every three months, and reduced to once a year after stabilization. In case of obvious change in water content, retest and analyze the causes. The water content of SF6 gas during the operation of circuit breaker gas chamber shall not be greater than 3 × 10-4。

Treatment if the water content of sulfur hexafluoride gas measured exceeds the standard. When the measured water content of SF6 gas exceeds the allowable value of * * *, SF6 gas can be dried and filtered by SF6 gas treatment truck. The air chamber with high water content shall be vacuumized, replaced with dry nitrogen, and absorbed with adsorbent.

For sulfur hexafluoride gas inflation, the steel cylinder shall be vacuum treated before inflation to remove oil and water. It is strictly prohibited to overfill the gas cylinder, and the weight shall be rechecked carefully. For liquid SF6, when the filling pressure is 7.8MPa, the filling coefficient shall not exceed 1.2Kg/L.

The GIS equipment in operation adopts small air supply device. The operation steps are as follows: two high pressure hoses are respectively connected from the inlet and outlet of the SF6 gas treatment vehicle. The other end of the hose at the inlet side is connected to the gas cylinder interface, and the other end of the hose at the outlet side is connected to the inflation port of the GIS gas chamber. After connecting firmly, open the corner valve of the gas cylinder. SF6 gas from the gas cylinder arrives at the inlet valve through the high-pressure hose, passes through the pressure reducing valve, evaporator, heater, filter valve, check valve to the outlet valve, and then enters the GIS gas chamber through the high-pressure hose.

The manufacturer of high-purity sulfur hexafluoride recommends that the air supply pressure should be converted to the rated value according to the ambient temperature and pressure at the outlet, and the air supply amount is the difference between the weight of the cylinder before and after air supply. The water content of SF6 gas shall be measured 12 hours after air supply. When filling SF6 gas indoors, the ventilation system must be opened, and the SF6 gas content in the air of the working area should be less than 1/1000.

The content of the article comes from sulfur hexafluoride gas:

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