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What is the development status of sulfur hexafluoride in Liming

Published on:2018-08-10 Click:152



Some friends are concerned about the application status of sulfur hexafluoride in Liming? In recent years, due to the increasingly obvious impact of the greenhouse effect on the climate, sulfur hexafluoride manufacturers have paid more attention to how to deal with the greenhouse effect.

As one of the important greenhouse gases, sulfur hexafluoride at dawn is mainly used in electronic manufacturing, electrical equipment, metal smelting and atmospheric tracing. As an important consumption industry of sulfur hexafluoride, in order to meet the requirements of environmental protection, the electronic manufacturing industry and atmospheric tracer have basically stopped using sulfur hexafluoride gas through research and technical improvement.

In terms of metal smelting, the use of mixed gas has greatly reduced the amount of sulfur hexafluoride at dawn, and is still improving.

Nowadays, the domestic attention to the environmental protection of sulfur hexafluoride gas is gradually increasing. As the electrical equipment with large consumption, the electrical equipment itself is constantly expanding the application of new technology of sulfur hexafluoride equipment.

The content of the article comes from Liming sulfur hexafluoride:

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