Luoyang Filier Special Gas Co., Ltd
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What are the specific requirements for filling dawn sulfur hexafluoride

Published on:2018-04-23 Click:109


  Those who have used Dawn sulfur hexafluoride know that sulfur hexafluoride gas is very important to the control of moisture.If the moisture is high,it will cause corrosion damage to sulfur hexafluoride equipment and affect the working effect.So when filling SF6 gas,why should we put forward specific requirements on the ambient humidity?What should be paid attention to when charging?

  Moisture is a condition for Dawn's sulfur hexafluoride equipment to produce toxic substances.If the SF6 gas contains more than the specified moisture,when its humidity changes,it may condense on the solid insulating surface and make the surface moist.In this case,the discharge voltage along the surface of the equipment will decrease significantly.

  Dawn sulfur hexafluoride decomposition under the action of arc and corona generated low fluorine compound gas,if there is no water molecules this external conditions will not generate SO2,HF and other harmful substances,so as to avoid the equipment corrosion produced by them.Therefore,when filling SF6 equipment with gas,strict measures must be taken to prevent water from entering.

  (1)Before the work begins,the relative humidity of ambient air around Liming sulfur hexafluoride site should first be determined to be less than 80%(that is,the percentage of water vapor density in the air and the ratio of saturated water vapor density at the same temperature),which is the specific indication of water content in***air.If the determination is not qualified,measures should be taken or re-selected dry and sunny weather for filling.

  (2)In order to make high-purity sulfur hexafluoride leakage gas timely replacement,the main tip in the charging at the same time open the fan,carefully comply with the air SF6 content shall not exceed 1000ppm.Within a certain time after the start of the work should be tested,and specific conditions in the middle of the test side.When the SF6 gas content increases or exceeds the standard,the parts should be immediately inspected in detail to find the cause and eliminate it.

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